Sexual Abuse in Boy Scouts, Church & Clergy, Corporate & Private Settings, Universities, Orphanages, Nursing Homes
More and more sexual abuse victims are no longer staying quiet. This is in part due to the efforts of the “Me Too” Movement as well as the brave actions of abuse victims in the Jeffrey Epstein and Larry Nasser cases. Many states across the country have either changed or are in the process of changing the statute of limitations for sexual abuse cases. This allows victims to seek justice from their abusers by filing lawsuit which would have otherwise expired under the old state Law.
Often times, due to the nature of these lawsuits, SLG is able to keep a lot of the victims’ information confidential, recognizing the extreme sensitivity of these cases in particular. In fact, SLG teams up with ex-social workers (males and females depending upon your comfort level) to consult with clients.
These conversations, like those with our attorneys, are always confidential.